Worship Information

Springville Methodist holds three unique services every Sunday.

A nursery is available on the first floor of the educational building during all three services.

8:00 Bluegrass Service

This traditional-style worship service features old-school gospel music performed by our church’s own bluegrass band in our main sanctuary.

9:00 Contemporary Service

In this service you will hear familiar hymns as well as today's contemporary Christian favorites. We encourage you to worship and make a joyful noise unto the lord. We routinely live stream this service on our Facebook  Page and you can find the latest sermons here as well

11:00 Traditional Service

This service meets in the sanctuary and follows a traditional Methodist worship format. Music is provided by our pianist and organist, and the Chancel Choir leads the singing.


Children’s Worship Programming

Children’s Church: During our 9am service, children are dismissed before the sermon. Children up through 3rd grade walk to the traditional sanctuary where they engage in an age appropriate lesson, taught by Children’s Director, Tiphanie Gatgens. On Communion Sundays, we encourage Family Worship and Communion, so children are not dismissed from the service.

Holy Communion

With a few exceptions, Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of every month at all three services. Springville Methodist Church offers an open communion table to anyone who wishes to partake.

Special Services

Special services are also held throughout the year. A candlelight service on Christmas Eve provides worshipers with the chance to prepare for one of the most holy days on the Christian calendar.